Profit Optimization

A Customized Approach to Supply Chain Optimization
In today's rapidly changing market, optimizing your supply chain for profit involves more than just minimizing costs. It's about striking the right balance between cost efficiency, supply chain complexity, and risk management. SCIP's Profit Optimization solution is designed to help you navigate these challenges by using a sophisticated multi-variant optimization engine. This allows you to run comprehensive what-if scenarios, giving you the insights needed to make strategic decisions that optimize profitability and resilience.

Cost Efficiency
Cost is a crucial driver in any supply chain decision but lowest cost is not always the best solution. By consolidating bid and pricing data from all vendors, considering factors like payment terms, buying power, and logistics costs, SCIP is able to provide the best solution based on the weighting of cost vs complexity vs risk.

Supply Chain Complexity
Managing complexity involves balancing elements like the number of vendors, regulatory obligations, and the variety of SKUs you purchase. By taking all of these factors into consideration, your what-if scenarios are able to provide different outcomes based on how reducing supply chain complexity is to your company.

Supply Chain Risk
Effective risk management involves several critical factors. SCIP allows you to prioritize the use of preferred, high-performing vendors. You can also prioritize around shorter lead times, vendor location and the risks associated with a highly concentrated supply chain. These key elements are integrated into the profit optimization solution, helping you balance risk and maintain a resilient and stable supply chain

RUn what-if Scenarios

SCIP gives you the power to explore different supply chain scenarios in minutes, leveraging vendor bids and historical data. Our platform provides insights that would be impossible to achieve with traditional spreadsheets.

Start Optimizing Your Chain